Do THIS, Not THAT At The Gym!

Wrong (Left):  Common lunge mistakes include lifting your front heel off the floor or bending your front knee too far forward so it extends over your foot.

Correct (Right): Keep your front heel on the floor and make sure the rear knee is aimed directly at the floor, not out to the side at an angle.
Wrong (Left): Common lunge mistakes include lifting your front heel off the floor or bending your front knee too far forward so it extends over your foot. Correct (Right): Keep your front heel on the floor and make sure the rear knee is aimed directly at the floor, not out to the side at an angle.
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Wrong (Left):  Common lunge mistakes include lifting your front heel off the floor or bending your front knee too far forward so it extends over your foot. Correct (Right): Keep your front heel on the floor and make sure the rear knee is aimed directly at the floor, not out to the side at an angle.
Wrong (Left): Common lunge mistakes include lifting your front heel off the floor or bending your front knee too far forward so it extends over your foot.
Correct (Right): Keep your front heel on the floor and make sure the rear knee is aimed directly at the floor, not out to the side at an angle.

1. Planks

Wrong: A sagging lower back can cause back pain and excessive strain at the shoulders.

Right: Keep your core tight and don’t lock out your elbows.

2. Push-ups

Wrong: Positioning your elbows wider than your hands can cause elbow and wrist pain and overuse of your triceps.

Right: Keep your hands directly under your shoulders as you push up.

3. Pull-ups

Wrong: Overextending your back and neck to get your chin over the bar can cause back pain, neck pain or a herniated disc.

Right: Keep your head and chest up while performing the exercise.

4. Lunges

Wrong:  Common lunge mistakes include lifting your front heel off the floor or bending your front knee too far forward so it extends over your foot.

Right: Keep your front heel on the floor and make sure the rear knee is aimed directly at the floor, not out to the side at an angle.

5. Barbell bent over row

Wrong:  A rounded back can cause back pain, a herniated disc and overuse of neck muscles.

Right: Keep your spine flat and your core tight as you row.

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Wrong (Left): A rounded back can cause back pain, a herniated disc and overuse of neck muscles. Correct (right): Keep your spine flat and your core tight as you row.

Wrong (Left): Common lunge mistakes include lifting your front heel off the floor or bending your front knee too far forward so it extends over your foot. Correct (Right): Keep your front heel on the floor and make sure the rear knee is aimed directly at the floor, not out to the side at an angle.

Wrong (Left): A sagging lower back can cause back pain and excessive strain at the shoulders. Correct (Right): Keep your core tight and don`t lock out your elbows.

Wrong (Left): Overextending your back and neck to get your chin over the bar can cause back pain, neck pain or a herniated disc. Correct (Right): Keep your head and chest up while performing the exercise.

Wrong (Left): Positioning your elbows wider than your hands can cause elbow and wrist pain and overuse of your triceps. Correct (Right): Keep your hands directly under your shoulders as you push up.

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